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2010-05-31 Green Island, Taiwan Part 6-Going Around III Guanyin Cave/ Nioutou Hill/ Lighthouse (Green island, scuba diving, snorkeling, dive, tour, hotel)  印象分數:90印象分數:90印象分數:90印象分數:90印象分數:90

The seventh Stop, Guanyin Cave

Uncertainty stronger faith, I thought. Imagine locals’ lives in Green Island—poor agriculture cannot support family so fishing out in dangerous sea was only option. But when the mist shrouded the island or it was in heavy rain, how could they found way to home without modern equipment? Guanyin, one of vital goodness in Taiwan, mysteriously radiated out lights directing fishermen way back. With thanks and several years searching, blessed fishermen discovered stalagmite shaping like Guanyin in the cave I visited.



According to locals, “Guanyin Cave is one of vital religious centers” (meaning there are another deities they worship to in 16-meters-square island). Whenever they went out for fishing or study at nearby Taitung, they came here for blessings and protection. Sometimes, Guanyin will answer their prayers and offer a piece of limestone. Just a knock, here is your amulet.


It was like a small garden to me. After a few minute walk from entrance there set Guayin temple. Looking carefully, I pictured an image of face with the stalagmite in my mind. Well, those fishermen discovering this cave did get inspiration from Guanyin, I thought. Praying to her for safety in my journey, I started to observed this cave-- humidity with drifts running slowly, nature abstract artworks performed in gray, brown and black and smells mixed with steam and burning incenses. Limestone formation features weird but intriguing shapes. However, most tourists rush to take a look of Guanyin and then left, leaving limestone shows setting along fences to me.



The eighth Stop, Nioutou Hill

The entrance was without signboard showing “Want to go Nioutou Hill? Go inside!” So my hint is follow the trail, not main road with mark, down to Green Island Culture Park and pay attention to a big wall with square hole in and several fences at your right. Good Luck!


Here I discovered my favorite pasture in whole island.


Grazing goats dotted on spacious undulating pasture shaping like back and head of good cow. The peaceful Pacific Ocean embraced this cow in 270 degrees with several rocks at front as protectors. I daze here with beautiful shoreline stretching in curves decorated with rugged emerald beaches caressed by azure waves, milk white sandy path, and lighthouse at far. Fascinated by greenish blue seawater, I listened symphonies of waves—stirred by winds, crashed into firmed rock and then broken into white foams, forming series of pretty whirls. Some fishing boats sailed through sparkling ocean, drawing white lines in sapphire canvas. Gulls flied through crystal azure sky and giant clouds slowly rose from horizons.


I could sing like Maria in The Sound of Music.


The Ninth Stop, Lighthouse


It is not the symbol of friendship, Green Island Lighthouse but its surroundings attracted me. First, Sunset! If Jhaorih Hot Spring is ideal for sunrise, the opposite spot, Lighthouse, conjures up image of splendid sunset sceneries. It got some luck to see it. Sadly, we didn’t but others did. Secondly, secret ponds. Actually, that is not secret anymore but difference lies in swimming suits and courage. Smart tourists will have swimming suits on ahead of visiting lighthouse. What’s more, most Taiwanese are afraid of being drowned in unknown pool. I found they just touched the seawater, looked around for a while and left beautiful swimming pool to me. YA~~~


Plus, locals promised me it is a safe pool for grown-ups like me to swim in.


The height of water was around 0.3 to 1.5 meters, I guess. I just swam around edge around beach, feeling extremely free in nature for the first time in my life. Crystal warm seawater gently massaged my body. Stretching my arms and legs, I embraced this world. I though towering lighthouse, the azure, cotton-like clouds and melodies of ocean all will agree with me.

That's it~~my secret beach!


And that is the happy ending of my circling tour. 

於 2010-05-31 09:06:32 分享 | | 收藏 | 回應 (0)
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