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2010-06-30 I'M IN 29,8,1,14,8,1,9  印象分數:100印象分數:100印象分數:100印象分數:100印象分數:100
Yes, Here I am!!!the world is so wonderful and large that I begin to dream bigger and bigger. Each country has its own charms worth to appreciate and enjoy in.No need to rush, I AM there right...
2010-03-30 20100330  印象分數:80印象分數:80印象分數:80印象分數:80印象分數:80
Dear blog,   I truly love to travel and learn enjoying writing it down. Feel extremely tired and go to my sweet bed immediately. And by the way, let me blame the complicate bus system ...
2010-03-29 20100329  印象分數:85印象分數:85印象分數:85印象分數:85印象分數:85
Dear Blog,wow~~I haven't seen you for almost 2 weeks long! "Where have i been to? "you asked. well, A LOT of scenic spots, wonderful ones! I felt so lucky to visit them and came back with fulfillme...
2010-03-15 20100315  印象分數:80印象分數:80印象分數:80印象分數:80印象分數:80
親愛的~ 今天努力的啃啃啃法條,記得住原理原則,數字倒是忘的快。因為不瞭解數字的意義,對於我這種浪漫種子,輕哼藐視她的心理作祟下,讓他輕掃過大腦皮層是我最大的寬容阿~可惡,超想背誦如流的! ...
2010-03-15 20100314  印象分數:80印象分數:80印象分數:80印象分數:80印象分數:80
嗨部落格~   人總是有那麼一天,忽然覺得怎麼之前的日子都是空白的?只記得一點點大事件的殘影,比如說:終於給他畢業了~環半島成功時的興奮~在七美看到大海的感動~等等,生活的點滴好像張手就隨...
1 共1頁 5筆