Sunshine brings happiness and also shadows.
Green Island, a tropical paradise, connects tightly with “White Terrors”, a miserable tragedy to countless teenagers and family. What is “White Terrors?” From Wiki--White Terror is the violence carried out by reactionary (usually monarchist or conservative) groups as part of a counter-revolution. In particular, during the 20th century, in several countries the term White Terror was applied to acts of violence against real or suspected socialists and communists. In my opinions, the government put anyone they suspected you as a spy, an aggressive protestor or a betrayer disagreeing their policy and thoughts into jail. By the way, consideration is sometime subjective and then rising stars fell into dark jail. “Maybe Isolation, one of geographic features, gave rulers an inspiration of repression, not only Japanese but also KMT. During the beginning domination of KMT, a prison camp was set for political opponents to cool down and brainwash. The island was truly isolated. As time goes by, through series of efforts, freedom was returned to the public including political prisoners and Green Island itself as well.” quotation from Green island/ Taiwan/ Travel/ Scuba Diving/ Fun(
Now, jail is open to the public, monument is built for memory, exhibitions display vivid images of prisoners’ lives and tourists come with curiosity while leave with sorrow.
Considered myself optimism, I resisted to step inside but forced myself to feel. Around 2-meter-square room is only equipped with a toilet, tiny window on the top limiting sunshine in and heavy but giant door. When the door shut tightly, deep dark shrouded. Scaring and yelling. No one can stay inside for a second expected for strong-willed prisoners. And such room is severe punishment for untimed ones. Let the darkness teach you what you should do.
I was not optimistic. I just ignored the unhappiness existing on the corners of the world.
Life was a series of action of physiology–eating and drain.
Why not utilize your toilet?
Planted vegetable, fruit and taros; Fed chickens, pigs, and other stocks; cut out coral rocks and built walls to lock themselves inside; competed at annual sport events; stole a book and hid it from guardians in cooperation; created painting by puzzling shells; pretended to be tamed; there was no really entertainment because they have already been pushed into miserable sorrow, I thought.