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2010-05-06 Lanyu, Orchid Island, Taiwan--Special tour in Lanyu: Eco-Tour at Night and A visit to traditional house  印象分數:100印象分數:100印象分數:100印象分數:100印象分數:100

cute elementary school with symbolic canoes 

another school with colorful paintings Houses of canoes

Taking photos is sensitive to Taos, especially when it comes to festivals, traditional house, canoes, etc. With extremely luck, we were invited to private living house of the owner of accommodation.

Underground private housing Look the roof~~


crawl to pass small door Small Small House

These stones are special seats only for elderly to take rest.(Below)

Visitors should make voices from throat to remind politely host their visits. The door was so small that one needs to bow before entering and crawl to pass through. And we did for showing our respect to the host and got into their kitchen and bedroom in the same space. Kitchen is on the one side while the bedroom is the opposite. Backwards is place where they smoked skipjacks. I guessed the Taos might love skipjacks so deeply that they want to smell them during sleep. On the roof hang corns from sheep, fishes, and pigs as decorations. Sitting in small space, I thought their ancestors did have simple and fulfilling lives. For me, it is impossible to survive in traditional houses of the Tao because I will run out for fresh sea winds and brightly natural world all the time.

Kitchen with smell of skipjacks sleep like this


Otus elegans, looking like small-sized owl, is considered as evils by the Taos. Why? Because any Otus elegan shows up in the village, some people will die. They are representation of evils and death. But those cute little Otus elegans play vital roles in ecosystem so tracing them at night has become popular activities in Lanyu recently. Our leader, the owner of accommodation, took us into dark lush forest and sounded “Do~~~Do~~~” for attracting larger ones and “YA~” for smaller one. Wandering around dark towering trees with spot light was quite refreshing and unique. We watched our steps carefully and helped each others. While our leader pay attention on looking for cute Otus elegans, I looked up for amazingly sparkling sky appearing between leaves. As I was touched by the charms of universe, Otus elegans showed up on branches far from us and lookd at us through spot lights. It seemed we can hold this lovely creature in our hands. “Hello~Hello~” Oh~ NO! I should communicate with it in its language. Shout “Do~Do~” or “Ya~Ya~” at will, sending message of our surprise. It flew away and disappeared suddenly, just like a mysterious event for me. With several ups and downs, we backed starting points magically, which made us awe and admired our leader not only great in the ocean but also skillful in mountains. Was this the end of Eco-Tour at Night? Not Yet!


This are dolls of Otus elgenans

Led to rocky shoreline, we jump among rocks changing from coral reefs to appreciate magic shows of tidal flat performed by our leader. He walked back and forth among beaches and waves and then brought handful active creatures including crabs, red fish, two shrimps and even a snake long as our arms. We couldn’t help but clap for him when he displayed them one by one. He is indeed a man of sea and mountain. Bravely I touched each performer with curiosity. The feeling of the snake is slippery and cool. Holding the red fish leaping up and down is interesting—I could feel its heart beating and breathes. The shrimps and crabs looked tasty while some of them were forbidden to eat. By the way, their eyes are deep black and maybe could speak, I thought. Thanks for their excellent performance and we set them free as ending of magic shows. Good bye~ See you next time!


於 2010-05-06 08:51:51 分享 | | 收藏 | 回應 (0)
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