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2010-04-05 Day 4 Yilan Northeast Coast Waiao Pei Kuan Crab Museum 北海岸 宜蘭 外澳 北關螃蟹博物館  印象分數:90印象分數:90印象分數:90印象分數:90印象分數:90
Day 4  
Pei Kuan Crab Museum->Lunch->Lion's Kingkom  Museum ->Hwy2-> Dinner at Jiufuen->Jinguashi for accommodation

DALADULALALA~~that is Lady GAGA pleasing singings waking me up. Jumped out comfortable and warm bed, well, with a little bit reluctance, I pulled out window immediately and gray deep gray sky and strong cold winds greeted me, seeming saying good-morning. “Good-morning” I murmured. “No rains, good day, please” I screamed out as if the weather had heard my wishes. It is really a pity that I drove around northeastern coastal line in gray sky, which means the blue bright sea turn to dirty gray color. As old saying, “When God closed a door, somewhere He opens a window.” A window to two impressive and interesting museums colored gray day.

DALADULALALA~~Lady GaGa 磁性嗓音喚醒… …有點不願意離開暖床… …在賴一陣子… …

好!跳起來,拉開窗,嘩~~~~~超冷的!!!狂風們像遇到知音一樣灌進房間,天空是… …灰黑色的。「早安囉,還有,不要下雨!!!」希望這種亂叫可以上傳天聽。噢~~我要回到溫暖床去拉… ...


Thanks to sings with a cute crab (you will definitely smile as you see it), I arrived destination easily. Crab museum is combined with a recreation farm so what welcomed me were children playing in a large recreation area dotted with several cute crab models.


After having a warming tea in café, I began my study with curiosity.

A crab? The red creature with eight(?)pereiopod(?)? What’s fun in red things? Well, A lot!


There were Olympic Games held in this museum. They competed for the first place ranging from the size to the fastest runner and swimmer, the most poisonous one, the best skill of camouflage, the oldest, the most delicious one, the largest family, the most persevering crab surviving in sulfur environment, and more. I took my time to read introduction and observe all samples in windows, fascinated with each interesting story and congratulating each winner. I did widen my horizons through these amazing creatures. Honor them!




According to my tour guide, northeastern coast of Taiwan breeds the most abundant habitants of crabs on the earth. It is so plentiful that most samples were collected from abandoned fishery, meaning you could find treasure in harbor. (Drove to HARBOR!) Plus, they accidently found the largest crab in this world from deep sea, of course, near northeastern coastal area. This crab remains at the top place, waiting some crab to break the record and creating new. Besides, I finally witnessed a sample of King Crab, one of the most delicious crabs, and also a must-see one. Unfortunately, the climate change around world and pollutions from northern Taiwan have made it harder for crabs to live. I thought I am willing to take green action to protect and eat more crabs. Hold on! Crabs!



Moving to the third floor, I strolled around many aquariums to find crab in mud, say hello to giant crab, take pictures, examine my learning, make a face to crab back to me(childish girl!), play alien touching games, and encourage crabs to live happily forever. If there had held activities about searching crabs, I would have raised my both hands and put myself into the list without hesitation. They were really fascinating creatures worth observing them carefully.

到三樓去看活生生的螃蟹,果然還是看會動的感覺強烈!看有個性的大螃蟹、對我相機好奇的、自顧自的不停過濾水中微生物吃的很開心的、深海的… …讓我超想問有沒有在海裡尋螃蟹之旅,第一個報名!

簡單兩層樓慢慢逛慢慢看,是會讓你對螃蟹改觀並超級尊重他們的生存,150 NTD值得一逛。

Pretended to be crabs with my friendly tour guide!

After taking picture with my tour, I drove to next museum—Lion’s Kingdom. 


於 2010-04-05 18:42:57 分享 | | 收藏 | 回應 (0)
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