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2010-04-03 Taroko gorge_Part 3 Tunnel of nine turns 太魯閣 九曲洞  印象分數:100印象分數:100印象分數:100印象分數:100印象分數:100

After hiking successfully and safely through Lotus Pond Trail & Lushui Trail, I was eager to appreciate rush river closer! So I was at the entrance of Tunnel of night turns.

Here come a general question-- Could we count “9” turns in this trail? Unfortunately, No! But night means numerous, that is more than night turns you can appreciate! Great!

As I lifted up my head, I saw followings:

So excited! 


According interpretive boards, because of erosion and earthquakes, rocks sometimes fall apart from well-developed marble. How to prevent from tragedy? Leave the path right away as the small rocks have fallen down since giant ones will fall next! Walk along the cliffs as possible since rocks fall in parabolic curve. However, if following the suggestion, I couldn’t overlook stunning river! Well, I was a behaved tourist and do my best to take a glimpse in safety areas. God knew how I hoped to be equipment with wings to fly around sheer cliffs freely!!!
(Danger! Danger! Pass through quickly, please!!)

While stepping near the fence and looking down, a pleasing wind breezed from curving crystal river rushing through narrow cliffs to “One Line of Heaven.” Felt a little scared, dizzy and excited, I overlooked down precipitous cliffs for whiles. What a masterpiece it was! 
(My favorite photo representing magnificence of this wonderland)

Seeming stepping into wonderland, I looked around thrillingly and tried to view this wonders of nature in different ways, as followings:



Suddenly, I felt curves on marble looked like the rushing river. One is flowing while another is carved permanently. I thought  Vincent Willem van Gogh would have fall in love with Taroko Gorge if he had chances to visit! 

(I admitted I extremely wanted to break red lines in front of me! )
(Give you more impressive sceneries! There is a fish-shaped marble in one of them. Discover more by yourself on the spot!!!)

As it became darker and darker, I run for my car reluctantly.   

Only when I saw magnificence of the nature did I learn to respect, humble and cherish my life. Wonders are worth respect and a bow!  And I came back safe without any rock in roll falling rock. What a blessing!
於 2010-04-03 21:29:09 分享 | | 回應 (0)
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