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2010-04-01 Taroko!! part 1 Lotus Pond Trail/Lianhua Pond Trail 太魯閣 蓮花池步道  印象分數:100印象分數:100印象分數:100印象分數:100印象分數:100
TAROKO~~~TAROKO~~Honor the nature!!!

Lotus Pond Trail/Lianhua Pond Trail-->Lushui, Night Turns--> Tunnel of nine turns-->Tienhsiang Youth Activity Centre
A serious accident happened to me! When I tried to find the entrance of Lotus Pond Trial, I had my car stuck into drainage ditch beside of cliff. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! How stupid I was!!! How can weak girl like me to deal with such situation? Luckily, a troop of pilgrims passed by and all of strong man jumped out to pull my poor car out of tragedy. I honored them as angles in my life!!! Never look around when you drove no matter how magnificent the sceneries are!

I found the entrance, finally.

Reading interpretive boards is one of effective ways to get pictures of spots in Taiwan. It told me the condition of the trail and time I might spend. However, such information should be informed before any hiker decides to embark on his adventure. Be a diligent student!!

I did LOVE smooth starting! Along the trail, I can overlook stunning river rush down steep marble cliffs. The pleasing sound of river mixed with chirpings of birds, accompanying me in the wild.

Passing suspension bridge is exciting for one having lived in city since childhood, like me! Plus, I got two chances in this trail! Wonderful!

I walk through bridge carefully even though, in my mind, some urge of swaying popped out. Standing on the bridge silently is unbelievably fascinating. The breeze blew through forest, making pleasing music. Fragile yellow leaves dancing around spectacular valley and fall down rushing crystal “BLUE” stream. Seeming walking into mysterious heaven, I made myself sit down on bridge comfortably and curve this heaven into my mind.
Jiumel Suspension Bridge

Leaving two wonderful bridges reluctantly, I started to CLIMB mountain. Yes! True challenges began after pleasing hiker with flat paths. Steep is a proper word to describe a zigzag road uphill. My pulse started speeding up and sweat flew like raining. What would welcome me ahead of trail? Rolling green mountains with specific shapes, unknown but beautiful flowers, still unknown but characteristic woods, and happiness to reach the top, Lotus Pond. Climbing means not only challenge to me but surprise to encounter colorful world. Only you climb through each turn will you know what kind of surprises will great you. Keep climbing and discovering by your own! And the following is my great findings: 

winding and steep stairs!

Every time I looked up, awesome sceneries often surprised me!

OK~~Be careful when you stepped into such trail with cliffs beside you! 

Hikers could find lots of cute green plants during hiking, like below:

Even though challenging long hiking tired me, I was rewarded with ROLLING HILLS! WOW~~~I love to have moment with breath-taking mountains: 

At this time, I really thought dogs are magic creatures! Faster than me! HAHA

So wonderful! 

Cool motorcycles. Luckily to have one here!

Cheer up! We could make it! I told to my camera!

After 90-minute hiking,  all I see is a deep green small lake with any lotus. A little bit disappointed for me >"< 
But, YES~~~~I Arrive the top! Did it mean I can challenge Mt. Jade or Mt. Snow? 

Beside of lake, there were pretty flowers blooming! I and bees were all happy to discover them!! 

Quickly climbing down the hill, I leave fulfilling for next spot: Lushui Trail!
於 2010-04-01 18:14:40 分享 | | 回應 (0)
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